Mga Pahina

Martes, Disyembre 14, 2010

Convert your monthly expenses to Cash, Be a wise Consumer and Be Healthy

Consumer is the Big Business of all Business
Be Practical - Earn from your Expenses
Turn it into your own Business and get Passive - Residual Income Lifetime

Did you earn from your expenses? How will it happen when we called it "expenses". Expenses means money we spent out of our needs and in exchange from items or services. Particularly our monthly basic needs in: Personal, Skin Care and Cosmetics products, Household products, Food and Beverages products, and Health Food Supplements and Vitamins.

We all know that these products are part of our monthly budget and we don't have any choice but to put them in our grocery list every month, and it will be our lifetime expenses. Did you ever think of earning from them or even think that get a health benefits from them at the same time?

Let me first share you this scenario:
  • All types of business will not prosper and earn without us "Consumers" to the likes of: Supermarkets, Groceries, Drug Stores, Fast Food Chains, Hardware, Bakeries, Gas Stations, Restaurant and even small businesses, etc.
  • Being a consumer, what do you think is your benefits & incentives from the products you purchased, rather than you consumed them. Did you consider Health benefits that you should get from them, did it came in to your mind to earn from them either?
  • If given a chance, are you open to idea of earning from your basic needs like: toothpaste, shampoo, soap, lotion, powder, baby oil, coffee, juice, tea, your vitamins and food supplements and more..., and to get health benefits from all of them and having them all natural and chemical free and later on have passive or residual income from them and turned your groceries FREE lifetime?

This is the way we buy our basic needs, we acquire them through retail outlets or groceries. Look at the channels they passes, from the Factory to the Wholesaler, then it passes through the Middleman and Area Agent and finally they deliver the products to the retail outlets and groceries. If you will notice, only the channels are earning (kita) and we as consumer is not, when the truth is, if were not because of us consumer they don't have business at all right! and look whose benefited much: Businessman, Multimedia and Celebrities. That's Why we are a Regular Consumer?
Let's take a look on our monthly basic needs expenses list here:
Do we have any choice not to buy the above basic needs? I believe the amount specified above is even way below your monthly budget, specially when it comes to your medicines and vitamins monthly expenses. Check your monthly expenses and multiply them in 12 months equals you yearly expenses (Php 4,360.00 x 12 mos. = Php 52,320.00/yearly). We need to buy  them through our lives right, then if we will still live for another 30-35 years then multiply your expenses again and look at how much you will still spend (Php 52,320.00 x 35 years = Php 1,831,200.00) imagine you still need to spend this much and will not earn even a single centavo? Much more if you don't even get any health benefits from the products you purchased.

Did you know that there is a Trend or Concept now that these monthly expenses can be converted into cash or income and later on will be free and no selling involve at all? Make it your passive / residual income for life. This can only happen and turn into reality when you are with DXN International Pte. Ltd. (click this to know more about the company)

Just simply Change Brand from commercial to Dxn products and earn points that will later turn into cash, you can buy your groceries from any Dxn Mart or Service Centers Nationwide or from 155 Countries Worldwide (see below lists of Dxn Worldwide). Notice here that channels are replace by you being a consumer / distributor, you can buy your groceries directly to Dxn factories or service centers, and you are now the ones earning from the products that you are buying. As you can see, you already started your business here, if you can earn from your groceries then all you need to do is to share them to your friends and relatives and let them earn from theirs too by just also Changing their Brands into Dxn products and duplicate what you did by sharing to their friends and relatives too, and so on.

From commercial brand, here now is your Dxn monthly basic needs expenses. Here, every products has a corresponding points and we can earn from 6% to 37% from that points. Notice that our budget here now is Php 4,530.00 against commercial brand of Php 4,360.00, the difference is, we earn here at the same time we will get a health benefits from the products as they are all natural and chemical free. We are now a Wise Consumer as this will now our Lifetime Residual Income.

Commercial Brand vs. DXN Products

A Dxn member is entitled to a 15-25% Discount on all the products (can also be the retail profit - selling is only an option), Plus a 6%-37% Personal Rebates on all the products points purchased, and a Group Rebates or Overrides of 6%-21% from all the products points purchased of your members. (see the table here for the possible earnings monthly, depending on the members or groups production). Earnings will be generated from the products movement or purchased products and not from the registration fee of the members.

...we would like to make special mention about this, coz if you are in a pairing concept/system and your earnings is generated from the registration fees of every member you recruited, have you ever wonder how much more you will still earn or do you think you can still earn if earnings will be generated from the products movement of the Network Marketing Company you joined with? A big percentage too, that's the only thing made you convinced to join them, the quick money scheme. If that's the one you are looking for, then Dxn is not meant for you, because Dxn is establishing the "Long Term Solution to a Long Term Problem"

DXN INCENTIVES - To be acquired with Star positions (see below how)

Look How Big is the Earning Potential - 71% Payout Compensation Plan + Php 80,500 Cash (one time)

Possible Income via 6%-21% from your members

Here you share & apply the "K" system, they will too,
- you Change Brand, they Change Brand too,
- you Earned from the products, they too,
- you build, they build
- most importantly, you & your family are Healthy, theirs too

DXN is a One Total Company, they Cultivates, Manufactures and Distributes their own Food Supplements, Personal & Skin Care products, Food and Beverages, Household Care products and even Cosmetics...

(click here to see more about the products)

DXN is not all about MLM or Network Marketing here are DXN Business Activities

DXN is the only MLM Company in the Philippines listed in Business World-Philippines Top 1000 Corporation since 2002 up to the present

DXN awarded as the Top 40 Direct Selling Company in the World by DSA-USA amongst Thousands of Direct Selling Company in the World. Another milestone for Dxn for it's only 17-years operation worldwide, now in 155 Countries.

DXN is also Public Listed in KLSE - Kuala Lumpur Stock exchange Market

Dr. Kunal Basu, an Oxford University Professor conducted a seminar entitled Winning with MLM Business exclusively for DXN members & staff only.

...and this is according to Oxford University studies, Health & Wellness will be the number 2 Most Profitable Industries in the World - and eventually already started last year 2010. This is DXN is all about.

Simple ways to do DXN Business:
U - use the products - change brand
S - share - healthy prods & business
B - build your strong network

... and later your basic needs will be FREE Lifetime, like this...

Be part of Dxn now, Dxn has a... Comprehensive, Compliable, Measurable and Achievable Plan to have four virtues of life - HEALTH, WEALTH, HAPPINESS and CONTENTMENT. 
So we know where we want to be 5-10 years from now, just like what this survey sez:

Remember there are only two (2) ways to earn MONEY:
1.) Employee - through employment
2.) Business - be your own Boss
... and of the two who gets the better life?

"God gave each of us 24-hours a day, that's makes all of us equal: so it is up to us if we want to use it and how we chose to use it"

If you are interested just call or text me 09172432480 and 09214981696, or email me at and, you can also follow me on Facebook reference my email here and let me show you how to do this business, we can also meet up at our office located at North Link SM City Complex, North EDSA, Pag-asa, Quezon City.

If not interested yet, would you mind referring this to your friends or by chance to your relatives who are in need of HWH - Health, Wealth and Happiness
 and will be willing to share and explain it to them personally. Thank you very much for your time. Please be safe and be healthy always... inquiries are most welcome.

A Chinese Proverb sez;
"If someone share something of value to you and you benefit from it, it's a moral obligation to share them to others...please do as I have done."

How to Join and be a DXN Member / Distributor?

You are entitled to the following when you are already a Dxn Distributor:
  • 6% - 37% Personal Rebates (from your personal products purchased)
  • 6% - 21% Group Rebates / Overrides from sponsored friends.
  • 15% Development Bonus from Sponsored friends.
  • 15% Leadership Bonus from Sponsored friends.
  • Hand Phone worth Php 10,500.00 (one time)
  • Travel Seminar Incentive (Yearly- Lifetime)
  • Oversea Trip Incentive worth Php 70,000 (one time)
  • Profit Sharing (from 150+ Countries - Worldwide) Lifetime
  • Inheritance (Lifetime)
To top it all, acquire the following: be an SA - Star Agent (25%), SR - Star Ruby (31%), and SD - Star Diamond (37%) to be able to acquire and experience the above benefits and incentive.

Ordinary people earning extra-ordinary by just adapting Dxn system and USB - USE, SHARE, BUILD:

A High School Graduate and a Former Stockman at SM City Complex, Mr. Noel Coronel, now  Millionaire in Dxn earning Php 500,000.00+ monthly, by just following the concept of changing brand and sharing what he did to his friends and to even strangers.

A Plain Housewife too

A Senior Citizen earns like this

A Carpenter and Elementary undergraduate

You can also visit these sites for more info and reference about Dxn:

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